Judah | Newborn

Blog, Galleries

Sep 29, 2014


Oh sweet Judah! I photographed his in hospital session as well! He was such a sweet little man. I was so thankful to have photograph him. His poor mom Hilary, was unable to attend the newborn session. She was still in the hospital due to developing a staph infection in her hip and they had to take her to surgery. She still wanted those newborn pictures within the 1st two weeks so dad brought him and his sisters. I am so glad to have captured these moments for his momma! She was in the hospital for almost a month after he was born due to this infection. 🙁 She is such a strong woman to have gone through all of this. We will be doing some pictures of Judah and Mom wants she is almost healed. Please please keep her in your prayers! She is finally home but still has a long road ahead of her for recovery. As for Judah he was amazing, he ate like a champ and slept like one too! His sister if you can’t tell are so in love with their little brother.

I hope you all enjoy these sweet pictures.

Happy Monday!


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