Michael + Bethany


Oct 22, 2014

After three long years of dating and some of it long distance when Michael was deployed, Bethany & Michael finally tied the knot!

It was so great to see these two commit themselves to each other on Saturday! They have been waiting for this day for so long. Bethany you looked stunning!!! Your dress was to die for and Michael you looked awesome in your dress blues. I hope you two are enjoying your honeymoon!! Bethany will be moving to Alaska when they return from their honeymoon to join her husband where he is stationed. They are starting off marriage with an awesome adventure ahead! Thank you again for having us be apart of capturing your wedding day. It was beautiful! Even despite the rain we were able to get some awesome pictures!!! Thank goodness for porches and coverings 🙂

Hope you enjoy Michael & Bethany’s beautiful wedding day!!


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