Friday Fun Day | UTAH

Personal, Travel

Mar 6, 2015


Hello Friends! Trevor & I have been vacationing in Utah this week with some of if good buddies!!! I am sorry I haven’t had a chance to blog. We have been skiing everyday and it has been a complete blast. I have never skied before this trip. (I have now taken 2 lessons and finally feeling good!) The mountains out here are seriously beautiful. We are staying in a beautiful cabin on the a mountain side with incredible views. I have been posting daily updates on Instagram, so be sure to check it out and follow along here! We have a couple more days here before we make the trip home. I can’t wait to share are trip with you all! Here is a sneak peek of how BEAUTIFUL it is out here. Well off to hit the slopes! Hope you all have a fabulous Friday!


This is the view as we drive down mountain from our cabin.

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