Ron the Garden Gnome

Home, Personal

Jun 19, 2015

target garden gnome

Our Garden is definitely growing!! We found this funny looking gnome and new favorite piece to our garden, Ron, at Target! Target for the win! Trevor & I laughed in store as I carried him around. I couldn’t wait to put him in the garden. He fits perfectly. This past week our lettuce was starting to get a little out of control, so we tore the leaves off. We have so much lettuce! I started giving some away from my family. I made my 1st salad this week from it and it was delicious! I guess I won’t be needing to buy lettuce for a while. I am still learning how and when to harvest it, so we will see! 

Our zucchini are starting to take off! Flowers all over that will turn into zucchini’s. We realized we probably should have planted them on the end because they are taking over our green beens and cucumbers! OOPS! 1st time gardner problems. At least they are growing I guess. We better start finding recipes for zucchini. haha! 

Well our garden needs a little TLC and loving for sure. We have been super busy the last few weeks. We are thankful for the rain we have had because I am not sure if I would a had to many chances to water it. haha! 

Enjoy some of pictures. I can’t believe how fast its growing!!! If you missed our living room blog from last week, check it out here. Next week my office will be on the blog!!! Don’t miss it!


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