Naples | Vacation

Personal, Travel

Sep 8, 2015


Last week we spent a week in Naples, Florida. It was such a relaxing and fun week. I have a serious love for palm trees and beaches. It rained on and off throughout our trip but we sure did get some beautiful days and evenings. While we were down their, friends of ours were also there the same time, the Jackson’s. We got together with them a couple of times. It was so fun getting to know them better and getting to swap pictures. They taught me little bit about film! It was a blast. I took some pictures of them and  I cant wait to share them with you all. They are the cutest. 

Here are some of my pictures from our time their. We took mostly iPhone pictures, and they are on instagram if you want to check them out and follow along! Here’s to another great day! 

Happy Tuesday Friends!


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