Thanksgiving 2015


Dec 1, 2015


What a week it was this past week!!! I LOVE Thanksgiving and every year I always look forward to this week. It is a crazy busy week but so worth it. 

We spent Tuesday-Thursday with my family for thanksgiving then headed to Trevor’s family’s thanksgiving on Friday. For as long as I can remember our family has done thanksgiving with my moms side of the family. This year was one of the smaller years and we still had around 40 people here! If my moms entire side of the family came we would have around 70, how crazy is that?! Well every year my mom does all the cooking for everyone and we have it at their house. This year was just as great as years past. Thanksgiving day was beautiful so we got everyone out for family pictures. We FINALLY had our OWN family picture taken!!! My sweet cousin, Allie, who is also a photographer in Kansas City gladly took pictures for us. I am so thankful for these. I cant wait to canvas it huge! 

Thank you mom for hosting such a great thanksgiving! I am already looking forward to next year. We hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving as well. Enjoy some of the family photos of everyone 🙂 


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