Charleston Photo Swap

lifestyle, Travel

Mar 8, 2016


Photo shoots on the streets of Charleston

Last weekend we were in Charleston for the Rising Tide leader’s retreat, I blogged a recap of that last week here. The last afternoon we were there we decided to swap some photos and walk through the streets of Charleston together. It was seriously so fun.  

We stayed in a airbnb with two there awesome couples; Nathan & Ashley and Caleb & Maison. We had met Nathan & Ashley last year at the Marriage conference we attended called Connect Retreat. We hit it off with them instantly. They are an awesome couple from Indianapolis who are great photographer and amazing parents! 🙂 We have loved getting to know them over the year and spending time with them. Nathan & Ashley new Maison & Caleb from the Marriage retreat the year before last year, so they were friends. Little did everyone know at the time that at the pursuit conference this past fall Maison and I were roommates! I loved getting to know Maison, we hit it off instantly as well. When we found out we were all going to be in Charleston together we new we had to get a place together. It was so great spending a few days with one another. We cant wait to all be at the marriage conference again this May!! Isnt it amazing how the Lord brings you all together!? I am so thankful for these friendships. 

We also went out shooting with a few other friends Shaunae and Andrew. We swapped photos as we walked through the city. Seriously Charleston is gorgeous and I love shooting here. Enjoy some of my favorites from our photo swap! 

Happy Tuesday friends!


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