Weekend Wrap Up


Apr 25, 2016

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This weekend was a busy weekend for us! We not only had a photo wedding but a video wedding. On the same day! We had a photo wedding in the morning. The day started at 6am! 🙂 It was such a honor to be a part of Matt & Julie’s beautiful christ center wedding. They were married at 10am. The wedding reception ended around 2, and I headed over to meet Trevor to help film his wedding. This was the 1st time I did 2 in one day. Crazy! 

We spent Sunday at church and then the afternoon home. Then a sweet couple came up for their anniversary session. The night was perfect. There are some pretty blogs coming to you this week!! Get excited!

It was a full busy weekend and we loved it. Here are just a few sneak peeks.

Happy Monday friends!


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