3 years


Jun 9, 2016

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June 9th is and will always be a special day in our lives! 

June 9th is not only dad’s birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! I LOVE YOU! But this was the day Trevor asked me to officially be his girlfriend and our 1st kiss. Now you may be thinking aww that is so sweet it must have been so special and romantic. Well special it was! Romantic haha we just laugh. We fell in love this weekend and it couldn’t have been a better weekend.

Let’s rewind3 years ago to Sunday, June 9th, 2013. Leading up to this day, we had gone on our 1st date on June 5th, just a few days prior to Thurman cafe in German Village. One of our favorite places to go. It was a great 1st date, we sat on a bench in Schiller park and I drilled him with question after question after question.. Pretty sure we sat there for over 2 hours. I was serious about dating and I wanted to know if this was gonna work or not, so I was like well I need to know tonight. Most would probably say that all the questions I ask you don’t ask on a first date. Thankfully it didn’t scare him away, but it sure made me fall in love with him FAST. He met my family that night and they all liked him. Overall, it was a great 1st date. He went home and I sat up on the couch with my mom and was like well he is the real deal, I can totally see this happening. I woke up the next morning and the door bell rang, and a flower man was standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, I think I about fell over. Trev had sent me the sweetest card and gift ever. I was on cloud 9 and didn’t think this could be real. This same week I was studying hard for my boards in Respiratory therapy, so he wanted to send me a little encouragement with a note of how much fun he had the night before. It was just perfect. Then the next day, I took my boards for Respiratory and passed, it was so exciting! I received a text from Trevor’s sister, Hannah who I had known asking how I did and If I wanted to come back to Harpster with her and surprise Trevor. I asked my parents if I could go and I roadtriped up to Harpster, this was the 1st of MANY trips to Harpster and back. Trevor was working for his family at the time running his grandpa’s golf course. When we arrived at the course he was in a green jumpsuit with a mask on of some sort because he was using chemicals to spray. We died laughing and I about scared him to death when he saw I was there. But it was the perfect surprise, I loved meeting his family and we stayed up late talking more and I asked more questions of course. I was falling and falling hard. We new we wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend and that this could be serious, but he had to talk to my dad before we made it official. Saturday, Trevor took me back to Columbus and spent the evening with my family. I remember running downstairs while Trev was doing something and telling my mom I was going to marry him! I knew he was the one, and my mom laughed and said I think so too. I will always remember that day. On Sunday, which happened to be my dad’s birthday, Trev took my dad aside while I was upstairs working at my desk, and asked if we could officially date. About 30 minutes or so later He comes up and looks at me and we laugh and smile, he says your dad said we can, do you wanna me my girlfriend and I laughed and said of course, and he sat on my bed while I sat at my desk and he gave me a kiss. I remember laughing after this, because now whenever anyone asked where we had our 1st kiss I was going to have to say my bedroom and I’d be SO embarrassed haha. But even though it may not have been “”romantic”” it was the most special day in the world. I didn’t care how he asked or whatever I just wanted to start dating officially and call him my boyfriend. Then just about 10 days after we started dating we were at Dime a Dog night and when he took me back to my car, he told me he loved me and that this was serious. It was the best feeling in the world. fast forward to December we got engaged and then on April 26, 2014 we got married. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! 

3 years later we are more in love, and I still feel just as giddy as I did back then. Trev is been the best 3 years!! So thankful to call you my hubby and best friend. 

here’s to a really sappy blog post, but I just love our story and thought today was a perfect day to share a short version of it 😉 Here are some of our first pictures together <3


lefT: first photo of us ever together      right: 2nd photo of us

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June 9th, 2013 “Officially bf & gf”

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Left: at dime a dog night, they night he told me he loved me (after I ate 4 hot dogs) right: the day he sent me the flowers & chocolates

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