Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 13, 2016

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Weekends are always fun, weather you are working or getting to enjoy the weekend off! This weekend, we had Saturday afternoon & evening off and it was so nice.

We found out earlier this week after spending 4+ hours in the ER that Trevor had kidney stones, NOT FUN. He has been trying to pass them all week. He has just been in lots of pain, but no stones have passed yet 🙁 We are praying he does soon so the pain subsides, but he has been a champ to say the least. I can’t imagine that pain. Friday, my mom and sister and 5 of my nieces and nephews came up for the day! Oh we had SO much fun! Donuts & coffee in town, walking all around town, water balloon fight, running through the sprinkler, cooking out and ending it with a night at the park. It was such a fun day! I loved having my family up here and enjoying the small town feel. It was just perfect. 

Saturday, we went down to Columbus in the morning for the rehearsal for the wedding Sunday. Then we came home and spent the afternoon relaxing. Trevor took a nap and I started a new book Wild & free, played with remi and just enjoyed the HOT Saturday. That evening we went out to the greenhouse to get some plants to plant our garden. FRIENDS, our garden is OFFICIALLY PLANTED!! YAY! yes, we know we are late, but thats okay, we figured lets give its  try anyway, don’t worry the full blog will be coming this week 😉 

Sunday, we celebrated with Claire & Jordan! We not only photographed their day, but we also videoed their wedding day. It was a great day and a beautiful day. Morgan shot along side of me and Steve shot with Trevor. Their wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was gorgeous. Here are a few sneak peeks below, but their full wedding blog is coming on Wednesday! 

Now, It’s Monday, and I struggled to get up and get moving, but now I have my coffee in me and my emails are caught up. I will be spending the day culling away and playing outside with Remi in-between 🙂 Have a happy Monday friends!!!!


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