Weekend Wrap Up


Jul 18, 2016

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Pizza, Ice cream and tearing out walls!

That was what this weekend was full of. We had SO much fun having Morgan & Michael in town for a few days. Friday night Morgan and Michael made it up just in time for some ice cream before it closed.  We spent all day Saturday tearing out walls and making messes in the house haha! I am getting SO excited to see this house become our own. Tomorrow I am sharing demo week 2 on the blog!! We have been doing TONS of work on the inside (tearing it a part). We havent started putting it back together yet, but soon hopefully! 

Saturday evening we swam and cooked out. It was there perfect Saturday night! I also got my first bee sting ever, on my finger.. it hurt so bad! Later that night my finger swelled up and needless to say I started freaking out when my ring wouldn’t come off… But thankfully Nurse morgan was here and with pam spray and floss the ring finally came off. My finger is still a little swollen but its getting better. Never knew how awful bee stings were!!! 

Sunday we enjoyed a yummy breakfast in town before heading down to Columbus. My new nephew Beckham was born! We enjoyed some chipotle and ice cream with the fam to end the weekend. It was just perfect! So thankful for a slow fun weekend with family. 

We are meeting our new nephew today and I can hardly wait!!! We have a fun week ahead, I turn 26 on Wednesday and we leave for the beach on Friday!!! Whooohooo! Looking forward to a slower paced next two weeks. 

Off to meet my nephew! Happy Monday!


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