Hello 26!


Jul 22, 2016

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On Wednesday, July 20th, I turned 26!

It is seriously CRAZY how fast time flies. I still feel like I am still 22 but nope I am officially 26 that is getting closer and closer to 30. Before I know it, it will be here. On Sunday night, I celebrated with my family over some yummy chipotle and ice cream from dairy queen. Wednesday was full of fun things. Started out the morning with Hannah, my sister in law, enjoying some yummy donuts and coffee, my favorite. She brought me the most beautiful sun flowers. I love sun flowers! We did painted our nails and toe nails. Now I am all ready for vacation!!! Trev surprised me with a new espresso grinder. I am still trying to figure it out but I am so excited to make my own ice latte’s that much better. Trev and I went down to Delaware to try a new pizza place out, Amato’s its was so yummy and of course, Whits was just down the street, so we HAD to get some more ice cream. Thursday night we celebrated with Trev’s family with pizza & a pool party. It was a blast! So thankful for each of you who wished me a happy birthday and made this day so special! It was the perfect birthday. Fun, relaxing and I actually took the day off work. 🙂 

I am so excited for the year ahead. The Lord has been putting on my heart to continually count your blessings, even on hard days. So often we can get stuck in the wordly view of needing more, complaining about little things, and never being satisfied. My prayer this year is to find joy and shine Jesus in all things and to let the worry & complaining fade. What matters on a daily basis is not about me, but is how can we show others the Love of Jesus and be a light in this dark world. Here’s to turning 26 and another day the Lord has given me. 

We are packing away & finishing up some work before we head to Family vacation. Happy Friday friends, Enjoy this HOT weather. I am LOVING it. Summer you don’t ever have to end 🙂 


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