Weekend Wrap Up


Feb 7, 2017

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I know it’s Tuesday, but its not to late for a weekend wrap up 😉 Blogs are far and few between these days and I am super sorry about that. It has been a slower season and I am enjoying it so much and trying to not feel pressure to blog everyday, but truth is I do miss it. This week I will be sharing a few things we have been up too! Shooting for a t-shirt company, lots of newborn shoots and of course working away on the house! So I have things to share and excited to share them, so don’t go anywhere 😉 

Well, lets wrap up the weekend I had! It was super fun, My childhood best friend, Breanna (my first ever sleep over was at her house, I cried all night because I wanted my mom, but it made us best friends for life, we still laugh about it today) Anywhoo, My best friend Bre, had her 2nd baby in January! She flew me out to take some newborn photos and family photos. I arrived Saturday Morning, and we spent a few days catching up on life and taking photos. Her little kiddos are the CUTEST. I wish they lived closer 🙁 But it was so fun getting to spend Saturday-Monday with her and her family. It was a perfect little get a way weekend. Thank you Bre & Nathan for flying me out to spend time with you all!!! It such a blessing. I am so thankful for your friendship and will cherish it forever!!!

Here are some fun photos from while we were there. Annabelle is her first, she is almost 2! She has so much personality and is cute as can be. I kept telling Bre, she was a blonde version of her!!! It is crazy! Then her little boy, Josiah was 3 weeks ago and he is dark hair and dark skin like bre’s mom side of the family. Him and Annie look nothing alike but they are sure the cutest!!!! 

Enjoy some photos <3 P.S. today is my Momma’s birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! LOVE YOU!!

I will be sharing more on the blog this week, so stick around 😉


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