Willow | 1 Month


Oct 25, 2017

Happy 1 Month Willow Grace

It is insanely crazy how fast the last month has gone!!! We have had Willow in our arms for 5 weeks now! Everyone told me it would, and it sure did. My sweet girl, you are already 1 month!! My heart has grown 10x since she entered this world. The last month has been one of the best months of our lives. We are SO grateful to have added to our family. Willow has been a gem. We cannot complain! She is the best little babe. She has been eating great since she was born and sleeping like a champ!!! She started out giving out 4-5 hours of sleep at night and is now giving us 5-7 hour stretches at night. which is AMAZING and we are so so grateful! She sleeps better then me I always say! haha Overall, she was very content baby and she doesn’t mind the commotion. Since the hospital we have had non stop visitors meeting her and loving on her. We have loved it! She doesn’t mind being passed around and snuggled this for sure. She is SO content. She definitely takes on her daddy’s chill personality 😉 I only had a few break downs, mainly seeing her grow and grow each day and how FAST it was going. I just want Her to stay little forever!! And of course when Trev went back to work, I was so sad I didn’t want him to miss a thing with Willow. We have spent lost of days visit him 😉 We are so very thankful for Willow and we have loved learning to be parents. 

|| 1 Month Highlights ||

– The first couple night we were home, it was just us 3 + Remi ;). It was the best! It was such a special time before Trev went back to work (It’s harvest, so BUSIEST time of the year!) We loved it. Lots of snuggles and just staring at our babe. 

-It took Remi a few days to notice Willow was here, but she soon warmed up to her. She loves to lick her and lay next to her. She checks on her when she is crying and tries to lick her to make sure she is okay. She seems to not mind her one bit and we are so thankful!! 

– Having all our family coming to meet Willow and snuggle her! It truly was the best.  We have had family in and out and we loved it! We are so thankful for all our families help. From keeping us company, to making us food, cleaning our place and snuggling our babe. We are so so thankful! 

-My Momma came and stayed with us for a few days after Trevor went back to work. SO grateful for this!! I was hurting and sore and she was so helpful with keeping our place nice and tidy and always having food for us and of course baby snuggles. Thank you momma for everything!!! She was able to come up a few different times and it was such a big help!! 

-Our 1st baby appointment when Willow was 10 days old. She was back up to her birth weight and grew 1 inch! She is thriving and doing great!! She LOVES to eat!! 

-Her 1st big BLOWOUT! Just our 2nd day home, Trevor was changing her. He goes “I am just waiting for the moment she poops on me” and 2 seconds later the explosion happened mid diaper change. I think it shot about 2 feet. We were DYING. Nothing like the green poo all over the changing pad and floor. haha Thankful for stain remover!! 

-I love seeing Trev hold her and talk to her. He always says “She’s the best” and I love it. Willow has been SO good and one night Trev looks at me “She is the best, how many of these are going to have now!?” But nothing better then seeing him become a dad and love on our baby girl. He has been the best support system and always encouraging me. 

-When she was 11 days’s we made our first trip to Columbus, so I could take her newborn photos down at my parents house with our backdrop and props. I loved getting to take our own babes photos. So special! Big thanks for my momma to drive us back and forth. 

-Her first trip to Target was just at 2.5 weeks old | She loves it already! We went down to celebrate Gia’s birthday and we also enjoyed some yummy Chick Fil A! She loves the car and did great!!! This was my first time driving her back and forth from Columbus. She slept the whole time both ways! 

-Getting her out of the house in general! It took me about 2 weeks to feel comfortable to drive her around or get her out of the house. But once we did we (I) started feeling more myself again. Now Its our favorite thing, car rides to visit friends & family. 

-Just before she turned 1 month she began to smile here and there and it is the BEST THING EVER! Love that sweet smile. 

|| Willow’s Favorite Things ||

-She LOVES to sleep on our chest. Her favorite place to be! This is also my favorite place for her to be. She loves her sleep in general, she is a great sleeper. 

-Music. She LOVES music. We play music ALL the time for her. She doesn’t really prefer the quiet, she likes noises and we LOVE that. I am not a quiet person that works out well for us. haha But JohnnySwim is her favorite. When we play it, she always calms down and loves it. 

-She doesn’t love to get into her carseat, but wants she is in it and moving she loves it. When in doubt getting her in the car and going for a car ride, she always falls asleep. So needless to say, we love car rides. I like this too, because it gets us out of the house and around a little 🙂

-We love visiting dad in the fields, even if it is to drop off a Mt. Dew and say hi! He has LONG days so we don’t see him much, so we try to get out there and say hi! 

-Her changing pad is her favorite place to just lay and look around. 

-She is also a big fan of her swing and rock n play!! She naps in her swing (or my arms) but at night she sleeps like a champ in the Rock n play. 

-Her swaddleme’s are a favorite for sure, she doesn’t always love having us put them on but once its on she sleeps like a rock. We are thankful for this and the long stretches of sleep we get. 

-She loves pooping right after we put on a clean diaper and after we put on clean clothes. Haha, she is a pooping & peeing champ. ( We also love her little poop face. We can always tell when its about to come, its Hilarious)

-Stroller rides!! I am so thankful we have had awesome weather her 1st month. We love to get out of the house, Remi loves this as well because she gets to join us. 

-Willow loves to eat. Haha! Nursing is definitely one of her favorite things. I am so thankful this has gone smoothly and she has done so great. We don’t have her 1 month check until November, But I cant wait to see how she has grown. I know she has grown some (even though she is still tiny) She has some chubby cheeks and I am loving it. 

-Mostly she Loves to be held and snuggled with. This is my favorite thing. She loves when I wear her in my Sollywrap! 

Willow!! We love you and so thankful for our 1st month with you!! It has literally been the best month. You have changed our lives forever. 


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