Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 22, 2015

fathers day

Hello Monday!

Another great weekend has come and gone. How are you doing weekend warriors!? Monday’s for Trevor & I are our “off” / “catch” up days for us. We try to not have to much going on so we can breathe from the busy weekend. This Monday, we are up at the lake spending time with Trevor’s family. It is such beautiful day, I said I would put in some work this morning and take the afternoon off to relax. This is SUPER hard for me! I can work work work for hours and never stop. But that’s something I am working on this year, balancing time and saying No is okay, and stop working for a break isn’t the end of the world! Haha Ask my hubby, he always ask – do you have an off button? So I am working on having one 🙂

 This weekend we actually didn’t have a wedding, but both Trevor & I 2nd shot for another photographer and videographer. I haven’t 2nd shot in years and it was so fun shooting along side Ashley West Photography! She is an amazing photographer, super talented, has the biggest heart and is such a dear friend of mine! Be sure to check out her page! It is so fun being great friends with other photographers. It most peoples eyes we are probably competitors but to us we are great friends and I am SO thankful for that! This whole community of pushing community over competition has been such  HUGE blessing and encouragement to me. If you are a creative or photographer, reach out to others who do what you do and become friends let the know you love their work. Don’t hide it! We are all in this together, so lets encourage one another 🙂

Lastly! This weekend was Father’s day. Happy father’s day to all those awesome dads out there! I am especially grateful for my dad, Jack! He has shown me what a godly man and leader looks like and I am SO grateful for his influence on my life! Thank you for being the best dad in the world and for loving us so well. I love you dad!!!! 

OH! one more thing!!! Yesterday the 21st, was m baby sister’s 1 year anniversary!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We went camping last week (blog coming Wednesday!) And we also took their anniversary pictures (blog coming tomorrow) I cant even wait to share! Here is a sneak peek 🙂

Well now I am off to enjoy his beautiful day. Going to edit a little and respond to emails. Hope you all enjoy your Monday! 


ashley west photography

anniversary shoot

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