Pursuit Conference 2016


Apr 8, 2016


Pursuit Conference

Monday morning I flew out to Atlanta for the final Pursuit Conference. I just had attended this conference in the fall and it challenged me and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. Ashley called me a few weeks ago and talked me into coming again. I knew I wouldn’t regret it at all. It was another amazing week on so many levels. Spending time building relationships and getting to know other creatives who have the same passion as you in so encouraging. This week was spent learning more about Jesus and how to live a life that is full of Him. There were so many amazing speakers. Everyone that shared their story and what they were learning impacted me in some way. I couldn’t be more thankful for this industry of creatives. 

One of the main things that stuck out to me I shared on my instagram last night was the question Katelyn asked at the end of her talk. Someone had asked her this question and it has resonated with me since she asked all of us. The question was, “When you are 80 years of age what do you home to be doing and what does life look like for you?” This hit home, because what matters now and what you do now will reflect what the future holds. So often I get caught up in my business and forget about the other important things in my life. I want to look back over my life seeing all that God has done and the blessings he was brought and the things I have learned. It was a good reality check to make sure I am focusing on bringing Glory to the lord and not myself. I am so thankful for this challenge to make sure I keep focus on the important things and not just all my work. Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond thankful for my job. I absolutely LOVE it, but I can let it consume me. I need to realize I am more then just a photographer. But I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, and hopefully someday a Mother. Thank you all for giving me my dream job every day. I love it. I pray I use it for HIS glory and not my own. 

That was one of the many things that stuck out to me. I could go on and on and literally ON for days sharing what impacted me during this week away. Thank you though who read this and follow my journey how incredibly thankful I am for you. I hope you realize that. 

Here are some of the iPhone photos I took while away. I didn’t even pull out my camera. I loved investing into these women and learning from them. I am so thankful for each friendship! 

Enjoy your weekend friends!!!! We are excited to kick off our wedding season!!! Happy Friday!


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