The 1900 Bowman Home Renovation


Jul 21, 2016

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House Update!

We are working away demo this house and making it new. We had some big projects we have been working on. I missed an update last week, so this was what we were doing. We took out a wall to open up the staircase some and uncovered another chimney in the living room! Thanks to my awesome Hubby for all his hard work. I worked on pulling up staples off the hardwood floors upstairs. My hands are got a few blisters but It is good for me. We spent prolly a good 7 days getting up the old black adhesive off the kitchen floors. Thank the Lord for a wallpaper steamer to save the day. It wasn’t hard, just very time consuming, but the floors look great!!! Putting in some extra work always makes it worth it in the end. Remi is finally loving our place, she gets so excited when we bring her over. Also, the giant opening in the wall…. We had to take out a pipe that had a crack in it. It was an old galvanized pipe, so it needed replaced. 🙂 We also will be taking out the ceilings, to straighten floors, require and some new plumping 🙂 The work doesn’t end yet! 

I cant wait to show you what we did over the weekend with my brother in law and my sis! Just making more messes 🙂 But it is always worth it. 

Enjoy the quick update!


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