Marin – Newborn

Blog, Galleries

Feb 15, 2013

Such a bundle of joy!


I was so excited about being able to photograph Alison & Matt’s little bundle of joy, Marin. She was such a sweet little angel. She slept so well and I was able to use my new floor and background. I was thrilled and I am sooo excited about her images! I could not narrow it down at all!

I also love being able to photograph friends. Alison is an INCREDIBLE graphic designer. She designed my branding and my website! I am soooo thankful for all she has done and so blessed by her friendship. She is so talented. Go check out her website

This is one of my best newborn shoots I think to date. I am so excited for the direction my newborn photography is taking. It has taken me some time for sure and lots of trial and error. Newborns are not the easiest for me but the outcome is so rewarding!

  1. Tracy hojem

    February 16th, 2013 at 2:01 am

    The last photo is my absolute favourite – the precious little bundle surrounded by her parent’s love!!!

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