Updates in the life of Kari


Mar 8, 2013

Happy Friday! Wanna hear a little about what’s going on in my life?


1.} I am officially done with all my class work for Respiratory Therapy School!! All that I have left is my practicum, which is basically working full time at the hospital! I will be between Grant Hospital and Children’s Hospital. I am very excited.  I can’t believe I am graduating in MAY!

2.} I want to start BLOGGING MORE! SO What are some blog Ideas you would like me to blog about?! 🙂 I want to get better at blogging, so I need YOUR HELP!

3.} I am on spring break! So, I will be headed to Charleston, SC for a little get-a-way with some girlfriends until Wednesday, so I may be slow to email replies =)

4.} I have 21 Weddings booked for 2013!!

5.} My weekends are getting very filled up fast, So if you are looking for a shoot send me an email!! Its never to early!

6.} I already have 3 weddings for 2014!! So brides start planning ahead.

7.} I finished my Quilt. A photo-shoot with quilt + me will be taking place next week! So be ready for a blog post

8.} I started running… And I am going to learn to love it.

9.} Dirty Franks has become one of my favorite places to eat at over the last 3 weeks.

10.} I can’t wait for warm weather and sunset shoots!!

Thats all I have for now. Enjoy the Sun filled weekend and be blessed! 


Oh.. And every post needs a pretty picture to look at!


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