Dan + Amber

Blog, Galleries

May 24, 2013

Wedding season is underway!

I met Amber & Dan for the 1st time over a skype meeting! It was my 1st time I had used skype for my meetings. It’s so amazing how social media and interenet make a world of a difference in self employed business. It was so much fun chatting with them about their wedding day. They both loved pictures and it meant the most to them. I was thrilled to be apart of their wedding in Dayton, Ohio.

When I arrived the day of the wedding, Dan, had mapped out the locations of where he wanted pictures done. It was so nice, since I was not familiar with the area. It was a beautiful day. The rain held off which we were excited about.

Capturing Amber & Dan’s love was so easy. Dan is crazy about his girl and you can see it in all the pictures.

So happy for you both! Enjoy a beautiful wedding

He was SO excited to see his Bride!


This shot is sooo stinkin romantic. I love it.

So happy for you both!!

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