Trevor & I are getting MARRIED!

Blog, Galleries

Dec 9, 2013

Wow! Can’t believe the day has come to where I am writing a post about ME getting engaged to the love of my life, Trevor!!

I get to Marry my best friend!


Just simply 6 months ago Trevor and I officially started dating after we reconnected over the spring through texting. Now we are getting MARRIED! How incredible is that! Here is our little story.

We had known each other over the past 3.5 years through a mutual friend back in college at Cedarville university. We would randomly text or wish each other a happy birthday, but nothing more then that. He lived in Florida and North Carolina playing golf professionally and I was still here in columbus going to college and running a business.  He moved back to Ohio early this past spring and we started texting again. At 1st and he would say this as well, I did a bad job of texting him back. In his words, I was ignoring him. Well, In early May we both ended up at the same place Cedarville University’s graduation. I was going to see my best friend graduate and he was going to see his sister graduate. I randomly texted him to see if he was there (I knew his sister) and he was! So we met up and just talked for a little bit. I remember leaving and going hmm he is a hottie, but his hair is crazy! We began talking again through text and I finally started taking more of an interest. By the end of the month we hung out for the 1st time at the Memorial Golf tournament. I spent the day with Trevor, his dad, and his brother in law. We had a blast. All day long I felt like we had been dating for years, it was so crazy! We just clicked perfectly. I just wanted to hold his hand I kept thinking to myself, I can’t do that- why am I even thinking that, we are just friends! Just a few days later, I hung out with him and his sister over sushi and a movie. I was falling so hard for him already at this point and we haven’t even had a date of the two of us yet! Just a week after the 1st time we had hung out at the tournament we went on our 1st date together! We went to Just a week after the 1st time we had hung out at the tournament we went on our 1st date together! He asked me to take him to my favorite place (He is not from Columbus, He lives an hour north of columbus) and of course we went to Germain Village and Schiller Park. We spent the evening there walking around and talking. We found ourselves on this little park bench at schiller were we started talking about more serious things. I remember drilling him, asking him SOOOO many questions, hard questions, funny questions, deep questions. Anything and Everything because I wanted to know if this was going to be something. After we talked for forever, we went to Thurmans for dinner. It was  both of ours first time there. I ate a massive burger and it was delicious. Being with him was so easy, I loved every second of it. I had never felt more comfortable with someone and I was falling for him so fast. I remember him taking me home and hanging with my family for a while. Everyone already loved him and I was falling in love with him. After he left, my mom and I stayed up late talking. I was so blown away by the night. He was everything I had been praying for. The next day he had a bouquet of flowers and chocolates sent to me.  Letting me know how much fun he had the night before. I was literally on Cloud 9. It was the sweetest thing in the world! Friday, I surprised him up at his families house. We spent the weekend together at each others families getting to know one another. Saturday night, I remember siting in the kitchen with my mom and telling her I was going to marry this man. He was everything I had been wanting and praying for. On Sunday, he talked to my dad to date me seriously. That evening we were officially dating. Just 6 months ago! 2 weeks later he told me he loved me and knew I was the one he wanted to be with and I told him the same.

Thursday, December 5th Trevor asked me to be marry him at the same park bench I drilled him and asked sooo many questions. It was all planned out and I perfectly played into it not even knowing He was going to propose. He had my whole family in on it! It was so perfect and I was shocked! We were simply suppose to be going on a triple date with my Sister and her husband and my other sister and her boyfriend. Jeff, my brother in law sent out a facebook message wanting to plan our date night thursday night to all of us. Everyone was giving suggestions and I said, “Lets go to Thurmans, Shannon has not been there and she loves hamburgers.” They were hoping and praying that was what I was going to say and I did. It was their plan to get me to Germain Village. Shannon and Jeff road with Trevor and I down there. I had spent the whole day with Trevor shopping, so I was not thinking he was going to purpose. There was a wait at Thurmans, so we went to the Schiller Park because Shannon had never been down there so of course I wanted to show her around. We went walking through the park, Then Trevor took my hand and started talking to me about our 1st date, He walked me to the bench where Morgan and Michael had set up a beautiful area for us ((they were suppose to meet us for dinner, because they were “”shopping””)) I was totally blown away! I had known we were going to be getting engaged sometime, because had talked about it, but I did know now it was going to be that day and this way! I just started crying tears of Joy. Trevor took me and told me all these wonderful things and then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! It was literally picture perfect! My sister Morgan, was hiding there taking pictures of the whole thing! I am so very grateful for these pictures. The whole triple date was just a scam. They went back home and Trevor and I went back to Thurmans ((where there was NO wait)) and had burgers once again. IT WAS PERFECT!  I was so blown away by it all! We went back home where my family and his parents were and had cake and celebrated. I loved every second of it. Trevor did an amazing job. He knew it would be hard to surprise me, but he planned it perfectly and knew me so well that I would fall right into place helping plan the whole night! =)

So there it is! A book of our love story. It is perfect in every way! I am so grateful for him! It was so unbelievably crazy how the Lord did such a work in each of our lives and brought us together at the perfect timing. Trevor is everything and more that I could ever want or ask for in a husband. He is so godly, patient,a leader,  loving, calming, humble, selfless, funny, handsome, and the list could go on. He is perfect for me. Exactly what I have always needed. God is so good. A year ago, we were in totally different spots, but God has grown us to love Him more and to love one another. It is amazing to see how God’s hand has been in our relationship before it even began. I am beyond thankful and bless to have Trevor as my Fiance and soon to be husband!

Enjoy some beautiful pictures Morgan took. Glad I was able to teach her over this fall as she shot weddings with me. She did amazing!

Thank you to all my family who helped plan the perfect night! <3

  1. Shannon

    December 10th, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! so excited for you two!

  2. Sasja

    December 10th, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    Dearest Kari,

    Your story and these photos are absolutely beautiful! The joy and love between you and Trevor is so apparent and clear even to someone unacquainted with your relationship. Both of you are absolutely glowing, and I am so, so very happy that you have found your forever person!!

    I wish you and your husband-to-be all the best. May all your hopes, dreams and wishes come true as you travel the road of life together

    All my love,

  3. Rachael

    December 10th, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    I can only hope my love story is as magical as yours 🙂

  4. Ruth Hague

    December 10th, 2013 at 6:43 pm

    You both are ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing all the details around your wonderful love story and proposal. You are a total sweetheart and I’m sure Trevor must be as well, since you fell so madly in love with him.

    Congratulations! I truly wish you both all the happiness in the world.


  5. donna

    December 10th, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    I love how u two got together. I know God has n will bless u two. The photos was so AMAZING.

  6. Karime Olivas

    December 11th, 2013 at 4:11 am

    Just happened to come across your wesite when I was looking up my name’& just have to say you take really amazing pictures!!!(:& congratulations on your engagement!(=

  7. Jenny Haas

    December 11th, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    this is so sweet! i love love that he had someone photograph the proposal…that’s a good man 🙂 and amazing you will have beautiful images to remind you of this time years down the road. Congrats to you!

  8. Flashback {2013} » KariMe Photography – Natural Light Photography

    December 30th, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    […] after we started dating he proposed to me! You can check out our blog post about our engagement here! I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with him! We will be getting married April 26, 2014! […]

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