Bowman to Be {3}

Blog, Galleries

Jan 29, 2014

Guess what did we do this weekend in the snowy, freezing, cold blizzard?!

We registered for our wedding!!!

We spent the whole day on saturday shopping around and using a fun little gun to pick out just the perfect things for our little home. Some of the things were dream things and some where things we realllllly need.

We are now registered at Target & Crate and Barrel. We found great stuff at both places. Trevor and I had a blast picking out things. We even documented it =) ((Of course I had to bring my camera)) We registered for everything from kitchen house items to games.

I have now been pinteresting recipes and even though I am not super experienced in the kitchen, I can’t wait to learn how to cook and bake well!

Here are some fun pictures from this weekend. The snow and below zero temps did not stop us. Lucky for us, the stores were pretty empty. We had a blast spending the day dreaming and planning for our future!

  1. katelyn james

    January 29th, 2014 at 5:44 pm

    love this!!!!!

  2. shannon

    February 2nd, 2014 at 3:26 am


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