Cokes & Kisses

Blog, Galleries

Feb 4, 2014

Chocolate, Hearts, Cokes, and Kisses

Despite the slush and scattered snow/rain sunday morning it all tapered off in just a perfect time for these fun Mini Sessions! As you saw in the previous post, the Kissing Booth set up was darling. I can’t wait to share with you all the different couples and families.

I love doing these mini sessions. Many people email and ask when the next ones are going to be. I am hoping to do a set this spring. They may not be this elaborate but more simple. I love all these set up’s but sometimes I do still do enjoy simple ones. Information on any mini shoots will be announced on Facebook and then a blog post as well. Again, I am not sure when this spring I will be doing them, but hoping to! Keep on the look out!

Enjoy some fun and colorful images! But before..

I am so thankful for everyone who helps put in the effort for making these mini shoots worth it!
Mom– for making the cookies.
Shannon– helping with the valentine banners.
Dad– letting me take over your and mom’s backyard for the afternoon.
Morgan– for snapping pics of Trevor & I at the end.
Trevor– for building this awesome set, then helping me set it up and organize it. Then tar it all down and put it away. ((He is the BEST))

<3 Happy Tuesday <3

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