Bowman to be {8}

Blog, Galleries

Mar 7, 2014

Wedding Invites!

After countless hours of working on these invitations, I can finally say they are DONE and SENT!

I decided to try create our own invitations for our wedding. I soon realized I was not a graphic designer by any means, but it did stretch me in the designing area. I used just photoshop to create these. I searched for fonts high and low and through Pinterest countless times to find a rustic glam look. Through trial and error we finally got the invitations just the way I had imagined them.  Thanks to Minute Man Press for printing and cutting everything for us. They turned out beautifully!

Thanks to my awesome family who spent Monday & Tuesday tying , stuffing, stamping, and sealing.  It was not a quick job, but it was very worth it! I am soo happy with the final product!

What a relief is it to have them off our chest now! I feel like the invites can be such a big task, especially if you are doing them yourself, so it feels AMAZING knowing they are sent! Now we are just waiting for the replies.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. Donna

    March 7th, 2014 at 3:43 pm

    They are so amazing looking. I love them. You guys did a awesome job.

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