Bowman to Be {10}

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Mar 17, 2014

My 1st Wedding Shower!

My Amazing church gave me a beautiful wedding shower for Trevor & I!

WOW! Our church knows how to make someone feel so special and loved! THANK YOU! We received so many wonderful gifts! We are seriously feeling so blessed but the abundant amount of gifts we have received. Thank you all So so soooo very much. We are so excited to start using them. They are going to go so nicely in our home. Thank you to the wonderful ladies who put on the whole shower! The decor, food, table settings. I was so shocked our beautiful it was when I walked it. I got all teared up. It was so sweet of you all! Everything was mint and gold AND they even had HOMEMADE CORNDOGS! ((My love for hot dogs)) So perfect <3 You all know me so well!

Thank you Kristi Smith for the awesome devotional about “The Picture”. It was such a great reminder of to look at the whole picture not just the little details.

Seriously you are all amazing! Trevor & I Thank you so much!


This is a cookbook scrapbook from Kim! It has her favorite Recipes all written out for us and pictures of us! It is so so awesome!!

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