Hunter Adoption

Blog, Galleries

Jun 17, 2014

Welcoming Barrett into the Hunter Family

I met the Hunter family this same day and I felt like by the end of the day I was apart of there family.

As the judge confirmed the adoption of sweet Barrett, there was not a dry tear in the room. It was amazing to be apart of and capture such a sweet sweet day for this family. When Erica 1st emailed me to be apart of this, I was beyond excited from the start. I loved hearing about their story and how the Lord brought this  little man into their lives. God is so so good, and this story shows it!

Erica and Don had been struggling to get pregnant with their 2nd child and after suffering a miscarriage the Lord laid on their hearts to look into foster care and then adoption. They are apart of the Bear Foundation as foster parents, little Barrett was a safe haven baby. When he was just 5 days old, Erica got a call that they had a child for them to foster. Right after they started foster care the adoption process opened up! They were thrilled, then the mom called and thought she made a mistake after 5 long months of going through the adoption process June 11th finally came and Barrett was officially theirs! The Lord was faithful to them the whole time. It is amazing to see how the Lord works all things out for His good! They were thrilled and you can see in every picture how much they love their little man. I loved capturing this day! Barrett was thrilled to be apart of the Hunter family as well. He knows he will be loved and cherished the rest of his life.

Thank you Hunter family for letting me be apart of documenting this day!


  1. Sara Webb

    June 17th, 2014 at 4:59 pm

    Loved the picture great job so glad the Adoption is all over now and he is there’s now.

  2. Tracy

    June 18th, 2014 at 2:14 am

    Kari thanks for sharing such a beautiful heart warming story!!! As you know I love looking at all the photos you post – even though I am so far away in Adelaide Australia – your gorgeous pictures always make me smile and always lift my spirits and I thank the Lord that He gave you such a wonderful gift – capturing life and memories in such a special way!!!I look forward to following you and your adorable hubby and your very own family…Tracy <3

  3. admin

    June 21st, 2014 at 4:21 am

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I would LOVE to come to Australia sometime!!! 🙂

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