Scholz Birth Story


Sep 18, 2014

Welcome Otto Henry!

What an honor it was to be apart of capturing Lindsey Scholz birth of sweet Otto this past Monday evening. Lindsey is a great friend of mine and an AMAZING birth photographer! I was so excited when she wanted me to photograph her birth. Me not being a birth photographer was so excited but so nervous! I have photographed a few births in the past, but I was photographing Lindsey Scholz birth one of the best birth photos in the area, I had to make sure to not miss a thing. Lindsey was so awesome though, she had no expectation was just so excited to meet her baby. Her and Matt waited to find out what they were having, so when Otto arrive Matt got to say what they had. It was so excited an amazing to capture! I hope you all enjoy a glimpse of a beautiful birth story. It is truly amazing to see the hand of the Lord in all of this. Lindsey Thank you again for having me be apart of such  special time for you guys. It seriously was a huge blessing!

((I don’t take birth inquiries, I am sorry, I do take in hospital after the birth, but unfortunately I can’t commit to birth with my wedding and portrait schedule))


It’s a BOY!!!

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