Goodbye October!

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Oct 31, 2014

A Fantastic Fall Month

Wow, what a Month!! I am so so very grateful for all these wonderful clients I had the chance to meet for the 1st time or catch up with! The weather overall this month was just perfect! The fall colors were beautiful. This was one of the busiest months I have ever had! I could not have gotten through it without the Lords’s strength and my husbands encouragement. There were times I didn’t think I could do it all and was a little overwhelmed, but I am so so so grateful for each of these sessions the Lord blessed me with. I have enjoyed every bit of this month and learned so much about myself and how much I need to rely on the Lord in everything. When I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, I was always encouraged by my husband and challenged to trust in the Lord. Thank you all to my wonderful clients I had the chance to photograph this month! It was wonderful!

I am so excited for November! I only have 1 wedding this month to photograph and it is one of my best friends!!! It isn’t until the end of the month, but I am so excited for it. November also means THANKSGIVING!!! This is one of my favorite holidays. And with it being November, we can start thinking of CHRISTMAS! Oh I just love this time of year. I am about booked for the rest of the year, so if you are thinking of wanting those family pictures, please email me asap. November is pretty much booked, but I have a few days in December. All weekends are booked til January. 🙂 so email me today if you want a session before christmas!

Well, It is the LAST day of this crazy month and I am for sure ready for a little break and some time away with Trev. Today, my husband and I are traveling to Charolotte, NC to ATTEND one of his best friends wedding! This is my 1st weddings this year, I just get to attend not photograph or be in! I am so looking forward to this weekend break. We will be staying a few extra days to relax some. It is MUCH needed. I seriously can’t wait.

Woah! Well sorry for the book. Hope you enjoy a flashback of each session, wedding, and the mini sessions I photographed this month! Thank you again everyone for your support and encouragement!!! <3


I Loved being apart of each of these couples most exciting day!!!! I  had great fall weddings!! 

All my regular sessions this much! Newborns, birthday parties, to seniors, to families, mentoring, and engagement sessions! All were just a blast to capture or be apart of.

These were my families from my Fall Mini Sessions over 2 days. <3 

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