Weekend Wrap Up


Nov 17, 2014

What a Weekend! 

I am very thankful for all the wonderful sessions I had this weekend and I was able to attend a women’s retreat and share my story of how the Lord has grown my business. It was a very busy weekend, but it was also very great to meet new clients and catch up with past clients and very encouraging to attend the retreat on Saturday.

Starting on Friday! I had two sweet newborn boys back to back! They were AMAZING. I was tired from a busy busy week and was so thankful these boys cooperated so well for me and trevor (he was my assistant). The 1st one was Griffin and he was only 8 days new! He was wide eyed after feeding him, but in just a  few minutes he fell right to sleep and didn’t wake up til the end. He was adorable! My 2nd baby was Kade, he was only 10 days new and wow! He was sooooo sleepy and squishy. I could pose him however I wanted, it was so fun! Both boys were great! can’t wait to share more of them on Facebook throughout the week!

Saturday, I traveled back to grove city for this women’s retreat that Mindy one of my good friends had put together. It was the Oh Delightful Retreat. There was around 20 women there and it was so great! We talked about how the Lord wants us to delight in him and not ourselves. The main topic was how we can use social media to delight in him and not ourselves. I was asked to talk about how the Lord has used social media for good through my business. It was so great hearing other women’s stories and how the Lord has grown them. Overall it was a blast! I can’t wait to share more about it later this week on the blog! After the retreat I had a family session in German Village. It was so fun getting to know them for the 1st time! Come to find out they new my husband’s family and the grandparents live really close to me in Upper Sandusky! Such a small world!

Sunday, After church we headed back to columbus for 3 family session. My sweet sweet husband drove me there and back, because I was so tired of driving. He is the BEST! I had a blast getting to know each of these families, I loved it. The weather was chilly but all of the kids did so great! no tears and lots of smiles!!!

I hope you enjoy a preview of my weekend!

Happy Monday! P.S. We woke up to  like 4 inches of SNOW!!! It’s crazy! I’ll share some pictures this week <3


Baby Griffin

Baby Kade

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