Shilo | Mentoring


Nov 19, 2014

Last week, Shilo and her sweet mom came to Upper Sandusky, from almost West Virginia for a mentoring session! They drove 3 hours! Shilo is sweet as can be. She is my youngest mentee yet! At 17 years old, Shilo is starting to get her business off the ground. She has done so well and it was so great to meet her and help guide her. We talked all through running a business and then photographing itself. It was a blast! We were thankful for nice weather as well and not this freezing cold we have now. Thank you Shilo for making the trip!! It was so great getting to know you. I can’t to see her business grow!

Mentoring sessions are coming to a wind for 2014! I have 1 more this week! It is not too early for sign ups for 2015! If you have emailed me being interested, but we didn’t set a date email me again! We need to get it in our calendars! I love mentoring sessions! You are never too young!! 🙂



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