Weekend Wrap Up


Dec 1, 2014

Goodbye November, Hello December! 

What a fun last few days! It has been a nice break away from the normal every day things. I have enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Thanksgiving was great! We spent time with Trevor’s family for lunch and my family in the evening. We ate so much turkey and mash potatoes! It was a blast! I did a little bit of black friday shopping Thursday night out to Target. It was so fun seeing cousins and spending time with them. Friday was one of my super close friends wedding from high school. It was so exciting to be a apart of capturing Liz and Mason’s wedding day! It could not have been more beautiful. Who doesn’t LOVE Christmas weddings!!! They are my favorite. That morning I had the chance to meet a super awesome photographer Alicia from Charlotte NC. (we met back in the beginning of Novemeber, at Trevor’s best friends wedding, she was photographing it) Her parents live in grove city, literally 1 mile from mine. Talk about a small world! We had a blast meeting up for coffee early friday morning before my wedding. We chatted as if we have known one another for years. I love friendships that just click. Well its her birthday today, so Happy Birthday Alicia!! So glad to call you my friend. Saturday we did some shopping at the outlets and just hung out with family and watched football. Easy fun day! Sunday we went to church and then went and picked out our christmas tree!!! I love it! It is so perfect. I can;t wait to share all our christmas decor on here later. It has been so fun getting decorations out!

Well hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend!! Happy Monday!


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