Katherine + Brandon


Jan 14, 2015


Katherine & Brandon’s wedding day was so special! We loved being a part of their day.

Katherine moved to Texas in August and planned most of her wedding from a distance. She sure did an amazing job! Everything came together so great! This bride & groom and bridal party were all troopers! The cold weather didn’t stop us from taking portraits outside. There wasn’t even any complaining it was so awesome! I am so thankful for willing brides to go that extra mile to get those priceless pictures. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining bright! The day ended with a beautiful sunset and man I am glad we caught those sun rays! It was beautiful.

I hope you enjoy a glimpse of their day! These are some of my favorites that tell about their day.

Thank you Katherine & Brandon for having us be a part of your wedding day! Hope you are loving your WARM honeymoon!


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