Weekend of Love


Feb 16, 2015


Hope you all enjoyed your Valentine’s Day weekend! Friday we had a blast in columbus celebrating my baby sister’s 21st birthday! Nothing better then a family night with good pizza. Saturday was valentine’s day. I had Starbucks with my friend Megan and her sweet girls. We got snowed in for a big because of crazy storm that came with high winds, so you couldn’t see like 10 feet in front of you! It was nuts. I did make it home safely in the afternoon to my sweet hubby who had beautiful flowers waiting for me and delicious chocolates. We had the perfect evening snuggles on the couch watching Netflix and eating Italian. It was our 1st Valentine’s married and it was so perfect. I love snuggling and relaxing with my favorite person. Thank you Trevor for always loving me so well. (These pictures are from the little shoot my sister had with us this fall, I just LOVE them)

I hope everyone had a great weekend and felt loved. I am so thankful for everything here that follow my page. A little update! I am in the middle of rebranding! We are at the beginning of it, but I am so excited about it all! When we get more into I will be posting  date for Launch. I am so excited for a fresh new look! Be on the look out!

I am finally starting to feel better, got a terrible sinus infection the last week, so I promise the blog won’t be so bare this week.

Enjoy you Monday! (and maybe extended weekend if you go the day off for Presidents Day!)


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