Weekend Wrap Up


Apr 20, 2015


This weekend was a great weekend!

Saturday was my sister in law, Hannah’s wedding shower! It was beautiful, I can’t wait to share it later this week! Then Sunday, I headed back to columbus to watch my oldest Niece, Josie be baptized. It was sooo sweet to watch her dad baptized her and to hear her story of asking Jesus into her heart. She is the sweetest little girl. It is amazing to see her grow and to love Jesus more every day. I love these pictures I snapped during the baptism. Josie’s face is filled with so much excited as she dedicates her life to following Jesus.

Here are a few others from her day we were all excited to celebrated with her!

We are now headed out to our Marriage Conference! We are so excited to learn a lot and relax and be encouraged!

Happy Monday!


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