Rebranding Update!

Blog, Business, Personal

May 28, 2015


I didn’t have a blog planned for today, but I received great news and I HAVE TO SHARE! We have been in the midst of rebranding over the last few months with Krista Jones, with the Palm Shop Co. It has been so so fun to see this beautiful brand come together!

So guess what!!? We have a Launch date!!! Next Wednesday, June 3rd, the new and improved KariMe Photography website and blog will be launch!  Woohoo! I am beyond excited to share the gorgeousness Krista has been working on!

When Krista and I first started talking I new I wanted something clean, simple, and very elegant but still very much me. She has come up with something better then I could have imagined! I love every part of it.

Below is the brand board she came up with for me. I love it! This is the 1st sneak peek of what’s to come!!! 🙂

Mark your calendars and make sure to not miss the blog next Wednesday!! Can’t wait!!



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