Adam and Sarrah’s Story


Jun 17, 2015

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Hey guys!  It’s Trevor here taking over the blog for today to help bring some awareness to a family in need.  A few weeks ago I was approached by someone who was trying to help the Bate’s family raise some money in an effort to help them rebuild their home.  After hearing their story we couldn’t wait to get started on this project to help get their story out and get the word out about their situation and their need for a helping hand.  The Bate’s didn’t lose their home because they were irresponsible in some way or overspent when they bought it, they lost it because buried beneath what appeared to be a perfectly good home was toxic mold.  Adam and Sarrah were extremely responsible homebuyers and had even backed out of a contract with a different home because they discovered mold issues.  Unfortunately they didn’t catch the problems with this home until it was too late.  Watch the film to learn more about their story and follow the link if you would like to help them out!  Thanks!



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