Green beans & Green Peppers!

Home, Personal

Jul 10, 2015

bowman garden

Oh!! This week was a good good week! With all the rain we have had, the garden has been growing growing growing! I haven’t had to actually water it in a couple weeks because it is ALWAYS raining. We made delicious salads with lettuce from our garden along with our 1st green pepper! Buried under our zucchini plants that are taking over where all these hidden gems, green beans! I came running into the house yelling Trevor’s name saying I think the green beans are ready! sure enough! They were. We picked them and ate them for dinner and they were delicious! Crunchy and so yummy! I am so excited to pick more and have another delicious meal. 

Having a garden has been so fun! It is seriously an adventure. I love seeing what’s growing next. I have decided there isn’t anything better to eat then something that is home grown! I am going to miss having veggies at hand in the winter!

Enjoy! Happy Friday! 

Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden Vegetable garden

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