

Aug 25, 2015


This year I stepped down from taking to many seniors, I am only taking them for friends and family. But let me tell you it was SO fun getting to photograph this girl once again!!! She may look familiar to you all, she was one of my mentee’s from last year! She drove all the way up from near Parkersburg for an evening. She brought her sweet mom, sister and the cutest little nephew. It was such  beautiful night for pictures. Shilo is a photographer and has grown so so much over the last year. It was so fun getting to catch up and talk about her business and life. I love when my clients become friends. This girl has a huge heart and is beautiful inside and out. We spent the whole evening chasing that good light and it was worth it!!! I am so thankful to have met this girl and become friends. 

Shilo! You are gorgeous girl! I hope you enjoy every minute of your senior year! I loved spending the evening with your family! Enjoy some of my favorites from our time together! 

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