Weekend Wrap Up

Personal, Travel

Oct 19, 2015


Hey Friends!

Hope this Monday has been fabulous for you all! I am finally getting around to blogging today. The last 2 months have been crazy busy with sessions and I took the morning and afternoon to catch up on business things. But I still wanted to share with you all today! 

This weekend we traveled to Indiana to film a wedding. It has been so fun working with my husband this year and starting the video business. It was fun to have a weekend dedicated to video! One of Trevor’s buddy’s from college got married and we were honored to be a part of their day. It was such a beautiful wedding. Nick & Lauren you both looked fabulous and we had so much fun filming your day!!! I can’t wait to see the final product that Trevor creates. He does have a short little teaser for you to enjoy. This is just a sneak peak to some of the amazingness!!! It was also nice to get away for a couple nights, even though we were working, we got a hotel and could sleep in a little and enjoy being away. We came back home on Sunday for my nieces 2nd birthday! It was the best 2nd birthday ever! They had a petting zoo!!! Llamas, goats, a pony, bunnies, ginny pigs, and alpacas. Seriously SO fun! Trevor also made a short teaser of that. So instead of pictures, here is a couple clips from the weekend 🙂 

Oh, and OHIO its like winter out!!! We got home last night we hadn’t turn the eat on and it was 52 DEGREES! Freezing! I hope this fall weather stays around longer before winter comes. haha! Thats all for today folks!

Happy Monday Friends!!! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather. 


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