Michelle | Mentoring


Nov 24, 2015


Every month I always look forward to my two mentoring sessions. Michelle is too sweet when I emailed her asking if we could switch days on our mentoring session because we were asked to come to Virginia. She had no problem at all she was actually from Virginia herself! This last week she came up for the day. We had so much fun. Little did we know when she arrived that we had a slew of mutual friends and both where at Cedarville University at the same time. We had such a fun day diving into her business. She is newer to the Columbus Area. She has been doing photographers for a few years and is looking to take her business to the next level and continue to grow it. She is such a sweet person inside and out. I am so excited for her business over the next year. We ended our time with headshots. It might have been freezing and beyond winding but we made it through! She was a trooper and they turned out beautifully. 

Thank you so much Michelle for coming up for the day! Hope you had as much fun as we did!!!!

p.s. I am booking for the winter months for mentoring!!! I have a spot in February and in March open, email me if you are interested 🙂 



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