

Jan 14, 2016

Hi Friends!

Hope this new year is getting off on the right foot! During our slower season over these winter months, we are updating bridal guide, pricing guide and website, along with reorganizing, cleaning, getting taxes ready, prepping information for another workshop (SO EXCITED) and preparing for the wedding season that is coming soon.

One other thing I am doing is brainstorming topics for the Blog. YES you think, hmm she has said this before, BUT guys I am for real. One thing I want is more depth and meaning to my blogs. I love blogging about my couples and our personal life and I want to dedicate a few blogs a month to helping YOU. So I am asking for your help. Please share topics that you would be interested in reading about. They can be anything photography related or even about our puppy 😉 Seriously. I have lots of ideas, I just need to start writing the blogs 🙂

One place I have been storing these ideas and when I receive comments or emails from you all with ideas I add them to my Blogging evernote. Have any of you ever heard of Evernote? This is a free app, you all should go download it right now. This is a place I brainstorm and keep track of those little notes that fly through my brain. I will forget if I don’t right it down. So I open up everyone and type away. Trevor also uses it and loves it. You should check it out 🙂 It can be used for anything: grocery list, meal planning, workout plans, anything and everything!

So! What I need you to do: Email me Topic Ideas and I will add them to my list! <3  kari@karimephotography.com

Happy Thursday Friends!


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