Weekend Wrap up


Feb 1, 2016


Hello Monday!

We started the weekend off in our little home in Upper Sandusky with friends and ended the weekend in Nashville!! Woah!

Hello Friday: We spent the day at home. I made homemade meatballs, they were yummy! I am not the greatest cook, but I am trying to stress less in the kitchen and enjoy it more. It was a success on Friday making meatballs. They turned out great! We then had some friends over to enjoy them with us along with another intense game of Catan. I lost again.

Saturday! We kicked off another 2016 wedding! This time we Filmed the wedding (740films) It was a beautiful day. It didn’t feel like a January wedding. Congrats to Eryn & Riley!! They were married at the State house and their reception was there as well. Thank you Steve for filming with us. It was a blast. We had a great time working along side Ben & Lacy from Style & Story. I am so excited to see how the film turns out. The state house is such a unique and fun place to film at. We got home late Saturday and hit the pillow hard. We both were exhausted and I was SO sore. Need to get in that wedding shape again! 

Sunday Funday! We had planned a trip earlier in the month to head to Nashville for a few days and meet up with our Friends, Hannah & Tony. We arrived in last night to a cute little home. We are so excited to spend  the next few days exploring the area and finding so many cute spots to eat and drink!

Well there you have it. Another success weekend. Happy Monday friends. Be sure to follow our Instagram to see photos from our trip. 


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