Weekend Wrap Up


Feb 22, 2016


Weekend in Columbus 

This weekend, we watched my Nieces while their parents were at a marriage conference. We had so much fun. We came down on Friday to get Gia, while the older two were still in school. Once they were home, we gave them a few options of what they wanted to do, and bowling was their favorite idea! So thats what we did on Friday night. We grabbed some pizza and headed to the bowling ally. These three are a hoot. We loved bowling the night away with them. Josie even got a strike! Morgan & Michael joined us as well. We had so much fun. We then came back and watched their favorite movie right now “moms night out” seriously so funny. We woke up to yummy donuts and another beautiful Saturday. Remi had a blast playing in their fenced in backyard and so did the girls. Thank you Shannon for having us watch them. We love them so much and had so much fun spending the weekend with them. 

Saturday afternoon, I snuck away for an engagement shoot. Oh it was 67 degrees in February for this shoot! How perfect is that?! We shot in my favorite place German village and it was so great. I loved getting to know Sara & Russel another amazing 2016 couple. Cant wait to share more later this week. 

Here’s to a happy Monday friends!!


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