Beckett | In Hospital


Feb 26, 2016


Beckett Kyle Porter
Born February 18, 2o16

Last Thursday, my sweet sister in law, Chelsea had her baby and it was a little baby boy!! Oh we were all so excited. They waited to find out the gender so none of us knew when we arrived. It was so fun finding out. He is sweet as can be. I took some photos soon after he was born int he hospital. I love those fresh newborn photos, the wrinkly feet and soft skin. Seriously adorable. I can hardly believe he is already a week old. He is sure loved by so many. His big brother Roman, loves him and takes good care of him. He cant wait for the day when they can actually play together. Beckett is healthy and precious! We are so thankful he is here. I took some newborn photos of him yesterday and I cant wait to share a few of those now. They change so fast in just a week!!! Here are just a couple sweet ones from the hospital. I seriously love that new baby smell and being aunt is the best thing in the world!!! Welcome to the family Beckett we love you!!!!



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