Sara + Russell | Engaged


Feb 25, 2016


A Spring like engagement shoot in February

I can’t even believe how beautiful it was this past weekend. Saturday was almost 70’s degrees in FEBRUARY! That’s crazy. Especially considering that the Saturday before it was 0 degrees with the wind chill. Ohio weather you keep us on our toes. It was so great to have a bit of spring pop through this cold winter. I was so excited to have had a engagement shoot scheduled for that day. 

Meet Sara & Russel. These two have been together for two years and met through a mutual friend. They got engagement this fall and have been planning away at their fall wedding. They are getting married at the Pinnacle, one of my favorite places. I am so looking forward to their wedding day. Sara actually goes to nursing school with my sister, Morgan. They are graduating this spring and Russel is starting his nursing degree. Yay for medical field!! I love always meeting others who love the medical field. Even though I primarily do Photography, every once in a while you will find me in a hospital using my respiratory degree. Anyway, I love the medical field and meeting others who love it as well is always awesome. 

Well, we had a blast on Saturday walking through the streets of german village and finding cute little homes. I seriously love this little area. Enjoy some of my favorites from our time together. Thank you Sara & Russel for having us be apart of your love story!!


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