Home Sweet Home

Personal, Travel

Mar 2, 2016



We are back home after being in Charleston, Sc since Friday. We left that beautiful 70 degree weather and walked into a freezing home with temperatures in the 20’s outside. BUURRR. Summer come fast!!! We enjoyed our time in SC. Sadly, before we left Trevor came down with the flu, he was beginning to feel better before we left, but as we were there he just got worse. Not fun being sick and in a car for 10+ hours!!! He ended up at the minute clinic on Sunday to get some medicine. He had it all from pink eye, ear infection, to a respiratory virus. He was definitely feeling it. However, we still had a wonderful time and Trevor made the most of it being sick. I am so excited to share more about the RTS Leaders retreat on the blog tomorrow. 

Trevor and I drive most places we travel too, unless we find super cheap airline tickets. We don’t mind the drive normally… Until we decided to drive to Salt Lake, Utah last March (never again will we drive 24 hours…..through Wyoming in the winter) We sure do have great memories though. Anyway, we do enjoy car rides and the time we get to have with each other. A lot of times we will film and create vlogs or just jam out to tunes. 

SO Today we are sharing 5 tips to survive a 10+ hour car ride! Here you go!

1. Start by finding the nearest Starbucks and enjoy a yummy latte. This is *Key* to starting the trip on the right foot.
2. Pack a cooler of waters. This will save you lots of $$, so every time you stop at a gas station you don’t have to spend money on a drink! Just makes sure you don’t drink to much, or you will be stopping more then you’d like.
3. Eat popcorn. Yes, I ate a bag on the way down and ate a bag on the way home. Seriously so good and a lifesaver.
4. Make sure you have updated songs on your iPhone. We slacked in this department, so ended up listening to the Adele cd to many times or the two new songs we had bought. Either way, next time we will be getting NEW music.
5. If you hit a HUGE traffic jam, that is stopped for miles, don’t freak out. Find a map and figure out a detour. THIS SAVED OUR LIVES. We could still be sitting in WV…

**Bonus Tip**Make sure if your hubby is sick, (like mine was) you have cough drops… and nyquil, so they don’t cough for 10 hours… Love you babe!

Hope these help on your next endeavor! Check back tomorrow to hear all about the Rising Tide Leaders Retreat!

P.S. The Spring workshop sold out in 1 day!!! Thank you all SO so much!!! Can’t wait until May 19th!


Big shout out to Nathan Siner for the photos!


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