Weekend Wrap Up


Mar 7, 2016


Weekend in Columbus

First things first, Check out that top middle picture! The red beard is GONE!! Crazy, I know! Trev was getting tired of it and the next you know he was in the bathroom shaving it away. I think I was ready for the spring trim. 

This weekend, I have been in Columbus with my family! It has been a total blast. I have drank lots of ice coffees and played with my nieces and nephews and wondered through target while Trev is out skiing in Tahoe with his buddies. I miss him tons, but it has been fun spending time with everyone down here. Remi is having a blast with all her cousins. 

Saturday I had an engagement shoot with Nadia & Ian. It rained but it was still a blast! 🙂 They were awesome and loved it. Thanks guys!! I cant wait to share more on the blog this week. Here are just a few fun shots from watching my nieces. 

Tomorrow is Tuesday’s together for columbus!! So don’t miss it! 🙂 



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