Weekend Wrap Up


Mar 14, 2016


Home Sweet Home

After Trevor being gone for the week and I staying in Columbus with my family it was so nice to be home this weekend to catch up on house things and just enjoy each others company. 

Friday we spent the day home catching up on emails and cleaning. I spent the afternoon organizing everything for our taxes to send to our account. This is always a stressful time of year for that! But I am thankful for last week’s Tuesdays Together meet up. I am ready to make this year less stressful come tax time next March. Anywhoooo! Friday was a productive day. 

Saturday we slept in and slept good! For some reason even if we take off a week day nothing beats a Saturday and getting to sleep in. Seriously, anyone else with me?! I am taking full advantage of our Saturday’s we have until wedding season starts. Which I am super excited for. Saturday afternoon I headed down to Columbus to meet with another 2016 couple. I spent the afternoon exploring columbus with Matt & Julie. They are awesome and I cant wait to be a part of their wedding day. Here are a few sneak peeks. Their full blog is coming later this week. I cant wait! 

Sunday was a day of rest. We spent the morning at Church and the afternoon snuggled on the couch with Remi watching latest Hulu or Netflix show. It rained all day and the time change even though it was only an hour KILLS me. So it was nice relaxing with my favorites before headed out to Small group. 

Overall, I love weekends like this where I am reminded how much I am thankful for my family and our time off. I love being home with Trevor and Remi. There really is no place like it. I think Remi agrees. She has been LOVING all the snuggles. Happy Monday friends!


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