Weekend Wrap Up


Mar 28, 2016


What a weekend it was! 

Beyond thankful for Family this weekend. Seriously I love family and so so grateful to have two wonderful families, Trevor’s and mine. We spent all of Friday and Saturday down in Columbus with my family. It was a special time for sure. We celebrated my brother in law’s 24th birthday and then all headed out to the Good Friday Service.

Saturday, we stayed in Columbus for the day. Spent the morning at Memorial Baptist Church finding easter eggs and cracking up at the puppet skit. Jeff you did an amazing job putting that all on!!! It was a blast of a morning with my sweet nieces. The blow up bouncing slides and the petting zoo, what could be better then that on a Saturday morning. My best friend from childhood was in town Breanna and her family. Oh it was seriously SO SO SO good to see them. Her and Nathan have a sweet little girl who just turned one. I took her newborn photos last year when I flew out to visit them in Missouri. I loved spending the afternoon with them taking photos and catching up with Bre. Do any of you have a best friend who doesn’t live near you!? Both of my best friends live 8+ hours from me and they both have little babies I never see!! (MISS YOU ERICA!) 🙁 I hate not seeing them but when we do see each other it is like nothing ever changed even if we are miles away, we always catch up where we left off! I am so so thankful for my dear friends. After taking photos Bre and I escaped to Starbucks to chat. Having dear friends is one of the biggest blessing. Bre I am so so grateful for you guys!!! I can’t wait to see you again. Don’t worry photos of their cute family will be up on the blog later this week 🙂 We headed home Saturday night after another family get together at my brothers house for March Madness. 

Then Sunday came! Easter Sunday! The best day of the Year! The day we are reminded that Jesus is Alive and he has RISEN! Oh what a blessing it is to have this hope and truth in Christ!! I woke up Sunday to a phone call from my dad letting me know my grandpa had just passed away as the sun was rising up. Tears flowed. We new this day was coming and after getting the news the night before that he was getting worse we new it was any day. I didn’t think I would be waking up to that call. But wow. If any of you new my grandpa which I wish everyone did, because he was simply the most amazing man I have ever known. He loved the Lord so deeply and it was so evident in every part of his life. He was a pastor for over 60 years and Sunday’s were ALWAYS his favorite day of the week. Not only was Sunday his favorite day of the week, but his favorite holiday was Easter because of the reminder of Christ’s Resurrection so WE can spend eternity with him. My grandpa got to meet Jesus face to face on his favorite day of the whole year. The most important day in History as the sun was rising My grandpa met Jesus face to face. What an incredible moment that was and What a celebration it must have been yesterday. We miss my grandpa so so much. It won’t be the same with him not here. We will be traveling out to Iowa later this week for all the funeral arrangements. I am so thankful we are able to go and its before our wedding season. It will be a sweet sweet time with family. I will share more on my grandpa’s life in a later blog. Please keep my mom and everyone in our family in your prayers as we travel out there and have this time together. 

Despite the sadness of losing someone so dear to us, we celebrated Jesus on Sunday! We are so so grateful for the HOPE we have in him because of what he did on that cross 2000 years ago! Thank you Jesus!!! I will be sharing an easter recap on the blog tomorrow! 

**ONE LAST BIG THING!** Today, the Rising Tide Society launched their Spring Summit!! Friends, if you are a creative or small business owner you do NOT want to miss this!!! This is an incredible 3 night conference you can be apart of right from your couch with some INCREDIBLE speakers. Their is an early bird rate going on right now!!! ALL proceeds go to Charity!! Click here for more information and to sign up! 🙂 Email me if you have any questions! <3 #RisingTideSummit 


View More: http://karimephotography.pass.us/grandpa-moore

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