Connect Marriage Retreat

Personal, Travel

May 10, 2016

Connect Marriage Retreat Winshape Rome Georgia_0001


Last week we were in Rome, Georgia for 4 days at an incredible marriage conference! Zach & Jody Grey started this conference 4 years ago, Connect Marriage retreat for couples in business together. We attended the same conference the year before and it changed out lives. We new this was something we wanted to make a priority this year. I am so thankful to have gone again. We left feeling challenged in our walks with the Lord, encouraged in our marriage and with new friends. 

Each day we spent time worshiping with one another, led by Tim & Stephanie Skipper who are just incredible. We loved getting to know them last year. It was great to have them here again this year leading us. There were 5 incredible speakers as we were there. All husband and wives who worked together, Zach & Jody Grey, Katelyn & Michael Aslop, Jenny & Nathan Oats, Jordan & Amy Demos, and Julie & Jeff Woods. They each shared from the depths of their hearts on what the Lord was doing and teaching them in each of their lives. All of the talks circle around to the same topic. We were asked what season we were in our marriage, were we in the winter where we were being pruned and digging deep in our marriage, or a season of spring where things are starting to sprout and you can start to see the light. We are all in different seasons. It was such a good question to ask yourself. They were all so amazing. They challenged us to open up to one another as husband and wife but along with our small groups to share life with them. We took something away from each speaker. It was just so so good. We had small groups of 4 couples each evening, where we would share life, our struggles, and praises with one another. We were so thankful for an amazing group who loved each other well in just a few short days. We also spent time with just our spouse praying with one another and digging deeper in our marriage. 

I am so grateful for this week with Trevor. It refocuses you on how important your marriage is and how it takes work but is so so worth it. I highly recommend marriage conference for couples, no matter what stage of life! Being able to attended a conference each year of our marriage has been one of the best decisions we have made. It makes us take a week to focus on us and our marriage. Not only do we get to spend quality time with one another but we get to know other couples and build friendships. Thank you Jody & Zach for your hearts to grow marriage and create something so amazing. We will forever be grateful! I hope to attend again! 

My challenge to you all you married couples is to find time for just you two. I know not everyone can attend a conference, if you can take full advantage of it! But in the quiet moments of your home find time for each other. Pray for your spouse and love them well. They are one of the greatest gifts you have been given. 

I didn’t have my camera out but to do some photo swaps one night. So here are some of the iPhone photos I took. I will be sharing some of the sweet couples we had the privilege to photograph on the blog later this week. 


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